Game Analysis Procedure



Here's the rough version of what we talked about today


Description -  link or brief quoted paragraph of "what the game is".  Importance or influence of game

publisher info, version, and platform for the video

Game Walk Through - Provide main structure of the game, chronologically.  Help me visualize where you begin..  Bullet list of game elements

Game Objectives - What are the players trying to accomplish?

Educational Objectives - What is the game trying to teach?

Educational Outcomes - Analyze what you think the game actually teaches, beyond even the original objectives. What skills does it support?  Is the gameplay well integrated with the educational content?  Provide criticism of whether the game would meet the original objectives.  Possibly provide examples of what you think they might learn.  Keep in mind the knowledge domains of facts, procedures, concepts, perceptual/motor skills, interests, attitudes… 

Motivational Elements - continue to play or learn the content


You are looking for good design ideas!!!  (to steal...)

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